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Have a blast exercising as a team with our fun family fitness workouts that will get you and your family to sweat, smile and soar in a customized combination of fitness, yoga and dance based on your goals and preferences.


Got a family reunion or friends get together in a park or other location? Get a change of pace with a fun dance fitness workshop that ensures the meet is one to remember.


Want to try getting your family active on your own? Pick up Renita’s book that shows you how! If you feel you need some more support, grab this instructional video, with visual demonstrations and explanations of what is written in the book “Power play – The Super U Fitness Way” to give you that additional knowledge and support you need to personally launch your Power Play fun fitness workout successfully with your family without the need of outside help. Learn to focus on the health and wellness of your kids as you sweat smile and soar together.



If you’ve bought Renita’s book “Power Play – The Super U Fitness way” , these personal sessions with Renita are just what you need to ensure your success with creating and executing a fun family fitness workout . This is an intensive training course based on the philosophy explained in the book. It helps you and your family master the Power Play Program which focuses on the health and wellness of your kids and yourself.